Introduction to Oracle Child Development Center

Oracle Child Development Center is an academic environment tailored to meet the expectations of parents in the holistic development of their children from the early age. 

It is an elementary school that runs from nursery to basic 9, in other words, Junior High School, Form 3. Currently, however, we have up to basic 4. 

We are located in Senya Beraku, opposite Anthill Hotel or behind the Senya lorry station or market. An easier location could also be eastward of Aroja junction, or the Senya Polyclinic.

Oracle Child Development Center is managed by its Board of Directors, headed by the Director, as well as the School's Management Council, headed by the headteacher, with members drawn from the Parents Association as well as the teaching and non-teaching staff. 

We have five thematic areas of attack as we approach the development of our children:

1. Qualified and Committed Staff.

Staff commitment towards the vision is the most essential element our success. Hence we have qualified and dedicated staff who are constantly trained to continue to live up to parent's expectations in line with the mandate of the school.  

2. Academic Excellence

The primary purpose of every credible education institution is academic excellence. Hence we give ample attention to the theoretical and practical classworks that build the child to seamlessly climb the academic ladder with joy and pride. Each child is given special attention, especially as we have 25 class ceiling for the lower and upper primary, and 30 for the preschool and Kindergarten. 

 3. Talent and Creative Development.

Every child has special talents, gifts and creativity from God. It is a purposeful environment that helps the child to discover and develop them. We are therefore committed to exposing our children to that needed environment and activities that will help them identify and build their talents and unleash their creativity from childhood. This will include sports, music, art, drama, games, etc. 

4. Spiritual and Moral Development.

As an institution built upon Christian values and principles, as well as communal attitude towards social development, we believe in building our children spiritually and morally, through the Bible, and also inculcate good community and citizen attitude through patriotic principles. 

 5. Entrepreneurship, Technology and Trade Training.

The world has practically changed with the rise of technology and self-reliance economic agenda. Hence, at tender age, children are to be introduced to technology, technical and vocational skills, as well as the required knowledge to help them not become vulnerable in such a changing world. We are committed to that.

Contact: 0241530600

WhatsApp: 0204335199


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